this blog is made by Nakajima reika

yuto nakajima ^_^

yuto nakajima ^_^

Friday, April 8, 2011

fail again -__-"

waaaahhh gomen for not updating for a long time,
i broke my promise once again anyways i'll upload now the 
concert of hey say jump 2010 jump with subs :)
hope you guys enjoy ^^

Friday, January 14, 2011


one of my favorite songs of jin  ^^
ok i again forgot to post the videos i promised >.<
tomorrow i will really post it.
i still can't download the latest concert of Hey Say JUMP because i'm still downloading the full show of MSSL it's about 23 GB, that's why i still can't download the summary concert

kyaaaa!~ i'm now addicted to akame ^.^
i will post some pictures of jin and kame in my blog and also some KAT-TUN pics :)